Justice of the Pies
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Our Story

Justice of the Pies is a bakery that specializes in sweet and savory pies, quiches and tarts. 

Maya-Camille Broussard established Justice of the Pies in honor of her late father, Stephen J. Broussard. Steve, who dubbed himself the Pie Master, was a criminal defense attorney with a passion for baking and eating anything made with a crust! 

Justice of the Pies was created to celebrate his love for pies and to honor his belief that everyone deserves an opportunity to reform their lives. 

Justice of the Pies is committed to delivering amazing pies, quiches and tarts while positively impacting the lives of others.


Our Mission

Formed as an L3C, Justice of the Pies considers itself to be a social mission in a culinary art form. Our goal is to positively impact the lives of others.  

The bakery activates its signature I KNEAD LOVE Workshop several times a year. The one-day workshop provides elementary-aged children from lower-income communities instruction on nutritional development, acquiring basic cooking skills, and encouraging creativity in the kitchen. The primary goal of this program is to contribute to efforts in ending food insecurities.

In 2020, Maya-Camille Broussard founded The Broussard Justice Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that focuses on food-related and health-related issues. It works to eradicate food insecurity and decrease health disparity issues in underserved communities.

Chef Maya-Camille’s book, Justice of the Pies: Sweet and Savory Pies, Quiches and Tarts Plus Inspirational Stories from Exceptional People not only shares more than 85 mouthwatering recipes, it tells the stories of heroes outside of the kitchen- luminaries who strive for social justice and equity - and shares recipes they’ve inspired. The book was published through Clarkson Potter (Penguin Random House) and is available wherever books are sold.

Justice of the Pies is committed to providing decency and equality while consistently seeking ways in which it can be a steward for fairness.

Chef Maya-Camille

